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Lisa Gerrard - The Best Of (Promo)

Release: Lisa Gerrard - The Best Of (Promo)

Lisa Gerrard - The Best Of (Promo)

01] the wheat 01:03
02] elysium 02:40
03] sacrifice 07:44
04] ariadne 01:49
05] sanvean (live at mayfair theatre) 03:55
06] the host of seraphim 06:18
07] cantara 05:58
08] swans 05:46
09] the promised womb 03:23
10] yulunga (spirit dance) 06:54
11] indus 09:23
12] persephone (the gathering of flowers) 06:35
13] go forward 05:51
14] see the sun 03:25
15] now we are free 04:14

TOTAL TiME : 74:58 min


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ARTiST....: lisa gerrard

TiTLE.....: the best of lisa gerrard

LABEL.....: 4AD

GENRE.....: indie

SOURCE....: cdda

QUALiTY...: VBR / joint-stereo

SiZE......: 103,8 MB

REL.DATE..: 12-17-2006


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