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Johnny Cash - The Legend of Johnny Cash Vol. II

Release: Johnny Cash - The Legend of Johnny Cash Vol. II

Johnny Cash - The Legend of Johnny Cash Vol. II

1. There You Go
2. Home Of The Blues
3. Ballas Of A Teenage Queen
4. The Ways Of A Woman In Love
5. I Still Miss Someone
6. Don't Take Your Guns To Town
7. The Long Black Veil
8. The Ballad Of Ira Hayes
9. It Ain't Me Babe
10. Girl From The North Country
11. Dady Sang Bass
12. Flesh And Blood
13. The Night Hank Williams Came To Town
14. That Old Wheel
15. The Beast In Me
16. Unchained Listen
17. I Won't Back Down
18. I Hung My Head
19. Bird On A Wire (Live With Orchestra)
20. In the Sweet By And By


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Quality: VBRkbps / 44kHz / Joint Stereo


This 20-track collection is a good follow-up to last year's volume one. Both offer up seminal Cash sides, from his early days at Sun through his golden years at Columbia, his stay at Mercury in the '80s and his career capping sides for American. Both volumes also sandwich themselves in the narrow space between single-disc hit collections and deeper anthologies like 1992 and 2002's "Essential" titles, 2000's thematic "Love, God, Murder," 2005's 4-disc "The Legend," or Bear Family's oppressive triple-shot of box sets.

Both single-disc "Legend" volumes sample from the entire length of Cash's career, which means that they necessarily short-change any one phase, and leave out some seminal album releases. What you get instead is a sketch - rather than a full-color picture - of Cash's artistic arc, from slap-back echo at Sun through his righteous songs of the man in black, and finishing with stark, folk-styled renditions recorded with Rick Rubin for the American label.

Cash's fans may find this selection of tracks to be scattershot, duplicative of discs they already own, or unrepresentative of their particular favorites. But fans with deep Cash collections aren't the audience for this release. Instead, the songs have been selected and sequenced to make a compelling spin for new converts, those inspired by Cash's passing and subsequent biopic. And for these new fans, the Legend discs provide a good introduction to Cash's vast catalog that provides a bird's eye view from which to zoom in on specific eras or styles.


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