Frank Zappa - Live At The Whisky A Go Go
Release: Frank_Zappa-Live_At_The_Whisky_A_Go_Go_1968-WEB-2024-MARR
01. Whisky Improvisation: Episode I (Live At Whisky a Go 10:00
02. America Drinks Goes Home (Live At Whisky a Go Go19 02:55
03. Help I'm A RockTransylvania Boogie (Live At Whisky 08:23
04. My Boyfriend's Back (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (fe 01:13
05. Bust His Head (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (feat. Th 01:23
06. Tiny Sick Tears Jam (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (fe 08:18
07. The Purpose Of This Evening. (Live At Whisky a Go 01:40
08. Whisky Improvisation: Episode II (Live At Whisky a Go 11:37
09. Status Back Baby (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (feat. 05:04
10. Memories Of El Monte (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (f 04:13
11. Oh In The Sky (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (feat. T 01:56
12. Valerie (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (feat. The Moth 04:04
13. Fun Merriment (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (feat 01:47
14. Hungry Freaks Daddy (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (f 03:49
15. King Kong - Pt. 1 (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (feat 07:57
16. King Kong - Pt. 2 (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (feat 07:48
17. Octandre (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (feat. The Mot 01:00
18. Whisky Improvisation: Episode III (Live At Whisky a G 04:49
19. Meow (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (feat. The Mothers 02:28
20. God Bless America (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (feat 00:34
21. Presentation Of Wings (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) ( 01:32
22. Plastic People (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (feat. T 03:41
23. Della's Preamble (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (feat. 01:05
24. The Duke - Take 1 (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (feat 06:27
25. The Duke - Take 2 (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (feat 05:28
26. Khaki Sack (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (feat. The M 10:14
27. The Whip (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (feat. The Mot 10:22
28. Whisky Chouflee (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (feat. 11:45
29. Brown Shoes Don't Make It (Live At Whisky a Go Go196 07:48
30. Brown Shoes Shuffle (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (fe 11:26
31. The Whip (FZ Mix) (Live At Whisky a Go Go1968) (feat 11:08
32. Hungry Freaks Daddy (FZ Mono Mix) (Live At Whisky a 03:54
- Genre: Rock
- Qualität: 320 kbit/s
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