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I:Cube - Live At The Planetarium

Release: I:Cube - Live At The Planetarium

I:Cube - Live At The Planetarium

1. Untitled (9:13)
2. Untitled (8:25)
3. Untitled (5:56)
4. Untitled (6:36)
5. Untitled (5:04)
6. Untitled (10:34)
7. Untitled (3:47)
8. Untitled (5:26)


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It's during the StarBall festival in June 2005 that I:Cube delivered an original composition in the dim atmosphere of the Planetarium de La Villette in Paris, the perfect place for him in fact, who always preferes to remain mysteriously veiled behind his music, then go balls out on stage. Versatile now brings to your starving ears this mesmorizing live performance and invites you to Jump into I:Cubes Playmobil? spaceship. In this performance, he returns to his first love, with influences from Ambient masters (Biosphere, Future Sound of London or Detroit Escalator...) In an effort to travel new roads, escape the conventionalism of the electronic music lanscape and free us from the Diktat of dark and martial electro, I:cube's mind mingles with some of his early references such as Philip K. Dick & Ray Bradbury, and childhood memories such as "L'avenir du futur", an 80s french TV show with a lethal soundtrack extratcted from Tangerine Dream's "Rubycon". During this 55 minute trip, to be listened in one streak (and preferably laying down) the live @ Planetarium proposes a subtil encounter of "Concrete" music, Dub and Electronica, skillfully supressing the frontiers between these styles to achieve a musical Supernova. A trip to many musical destinations, after a first Ambient track, I:cube slides into timeless deep house (track 2) that leads into dreamy or dubby electronica (track 3 & 5) and futurist lullabies (track 4 & 7). After his album "3? and before he releases his upcoming, the Cube invites us into his parallel and psychedelic vision of modern music. A dens and passionate universe colonised by KLF's "space" and Maurizio's tracks, a celebration of the improbable encouter of King Tubby and Philipp Glass. The album HAL, Space Odessey 2001's mega-computer, would have dreamed to compose.


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