Laibach - Volk
Release: Laibach - Volk

- Datum: 05.09.2006
°Û± 01³ Germania ³ 04:06 ±Û°
°Û± 02³ America ³ 04:51 ±Û°
°Û± 03³ Anglia ³ 03:40 ±Û°
°Û± 04³ Rossiya ³ 03:54 ±Û°
°Û± 05³ Francia ³ 04:14 ±Û°
°Û± 06³ Italia ³ 04:50 ±Û°
°Û± 07³ Espana ³ 03:13 ±Û°
°Û± 08³ Yisra'el ³ 03:06 ±Û°
°Û± 09³ Türkiye ³ 04:32 ±Û°
°Û± 10³ Zhonghua ³ 03:49 ±Û°
°Û± 11³ Nippon ³ 07:29 ±Û°
°Û± 12³ Slovania ³ 04:06 ±Û°
°Û± 13³ Vaticanae ³ 02:55 ±Û°
°Û± 14³ NSK ³ 03:54 ±Û°
°Û± ³ ³ _____ ±Û°
°Û² ³ TOTAL PLAYTiME (MiN):³ 58:39 ²Û°
- Genre: Electro/EBM
- Qualität: 192 kbit/s
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ÛÛÛ± TiTLE.....[ Volk ±ÛÛÛ
²ÛÛ² GENRE.....[ Electronic ²ÛÛ²
²ÛÛ° KHZ.......[ 44,1 °ÛÛ²
±ÛÛ± MODE......[ VBRkbps / Joint-Stereo ±ÛÛ±
°ÛÛ± ENCODER...[ Lame 3.90.3 Mod ±ÛÛ°
ßÜ ±ÛÛ² REL.DATE..[ Sep-04-2006 ²ÛÛ± Üß
°Û± ±Û°
°Û± Laibach once said that "Pop music is for sheep and we are ±Û°
°Û± shepherds disguised as wolves". The new Laibach album VOLK is ±Û°
°Û± the bands comment on pop culture, presented in a collection of ±Û°
°Û± 14 pop songs, inspired by national anthems. ENJOY!!!! ±Û°