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Solomon Burke - The Chess Collection

Release: Solomon Burke - The Chess Collection

Solomon Burke - The Chess Collection

01. music to make love by (part 1) 02:36
02. let me wrap my arms around you 04:04
03. come rain or come shine 03:33
04. you and your baby blues 05:50
05. all the way 04:30
06. thanks i needed that 04:09
07. everlasting love 04:12
08. midnight and you 04:01
09. music to make love by (part 2) 02:26
10. burning for your love 03:53
11. night and day 03:44
12. everybody's got to cry sometimes 04:41
13. i'm going back to my roots 05:10
14. precious flowers 04:33
15. the do right song 04:02
16. life has its ups and downs 02:56
17. over and over 04:32
18. i'll never stop loving you 03:32
19. i'm living on that late late train 03:01
20. love's paradise 04:19

Runtime 79:44 min
Size 118,5 MB


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Artist.......: Solomon Burke
Album........: The chess collection
Label........: Chess / Universal
Genre........: Jazz
Catnr........: n/a
source.......: CDDA 30-07-2006 00-08-2006
quality......: VBR/44,1Hz/Joint-Stereo
Url..........: n/a


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