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James Morrison - Undiscovered

Release: James Morrison - Undiscovered

James Morrison - Undiscovered

01. Under The Influence 04:08
02. You Give Me Something 03:34
03. Wonderful World 03:31
04. The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore 04:17
05. One Last Chance 04:48
06. Undiscovered 03:29
07. The Letter 03:14
08. Call The Police 03:47
09. This Boy 03:54
10. If The Rain Must Fall 04:05
11. How Come 03:27
12. The Last Goodbye 05:15
13. Better Man 03:58


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ARTiST: James Morrison
TiTLE: Undiscovered
LABEL: Polydor
TiME: 51:27 min
SiZE: 66,8 MB
RiP DATE: Jul-28-2006
RELEASE DATE: Jul-31-2006
WEBSiTE: n/a

Here's a new contender for the James Blunt throne.
And they even blessed us with a 13th track thrown in
for total customer satisfaction...

James Morrison, at the tender age of 21, has
delivered a spellbinding collection of raw,
bittersweet, bluesy-soul songs for his debut album
'Undiscovered'. He's also the owner of probably the
most gobsmacking, charismatic, rootsy soul voice
(somewhere between Al Green and Otis Redding) to
emerge from a white Englishman. His brand of
soulfulness isn't about trying to pastiche black
America's past. But it is about unvarnished honesty,
passion and letting your emotions go thru songs that
stir and inspire.


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