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Dark Soho - Light In The Dark

Release: Dark Soho - Light In The Dark

Dark Soho - Light In The Dark

01.Non Stop To Nowhere
02.Light In The Dark
03.Alien Scream
04.The Toy
05.Long Way Home
08.All The Brightness
09.Peace Of Mind


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The perfect balance between musicality and creative emotion. Featuring nine outstanding tracks, Light IN THE Dark is a progression in their signature guitar based sound, pushing across the boundaries into a new direction. Further developing their sound beyond the predictable, Dark Soho collaborated with world renowned sitar player Anoushka Shankar, daughter of Ravi Shankar, on the tracks 'Long Way Home' and'Peace of Mind', perfect examples of contrasting styles and influences that sets Dark Soho apart from their peers. Zeev Dukman (ex member of Dark Soho) appears on the track 'Aliens Cream' which layers twisted synthesizer soundscapes with deep hypnotic techno influenced grooves.Opening the album is the oustanding track 'Non Stop to Nowhere' which morphs from the melodic guitar laden sound of the intro into an uplifting and unexpected driving groove. New tracks 'The Toy', 'Magic' and 'Away' are focused on the dance floor and highlight further the new direction Dark Soho have taken that is winning them new fans all over the world. The new album exposes their brilliant combination of groove and intensity, creating a phenomenal sound that travels through the darkness into the light.


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