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Dog Eat Dog - All Boro Kings (Special Edition)

Release: Dog Eat Dog - All Boro Kings (Special Edition)

Dog Eat Dog - All Boro Kings (Special Edition)

1. Dog Eat Dog - If These Are Good Times (3:08)
2. Dog Eat Dog - Think (3:07)
3. Dog Eat Dog - No Fronts (4:36)
4. Dog Eat Dog - Pull My Finger (3:34)
5. Dog Eat Dog - Who´s The King (3:33)
6. Dog Eat Dog - Strip Song (2:44)
7. Dog Eat Dog - Queen (2:24)
8. Dog Eat Dog - In The Doghouse (5:49)
9. Dog Eat Dog - Funnel King (2:41)
10. Dog Eat Dog - What Comes Around (3:24)
11. Dog Eat Dog - It´s Like That (5:15)
12. Dog Eat Dog - Dog Eat Dog (4:27)
13. Dog Eat Dog - World Keeps Spinnin´ (3:06)
14. Dog Eat Dog - No Fronts (Remix) (4:31)


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