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Paul Simon - Surprise

Release: Paul Simon - Surprise

Paul Simon - Surprise

01. How Can You Live In The Northeast 03:42
02. Everything About It Is A Love Song 03:57
03. Outrageous 03:25
04. Sure Don't Feel Like Love 03:57
05. Wartime Prayers 04:50
06. Beautiful 03:08
07. I Don't Believe 04:10
08. Another Galaxy 05:22
09. Once Upon A Time There Was An Ocean 03:56
10. That's Me 04:43
11. Father And Daughter 04:11

Runtime 45:21 min


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Artist.......: Paul Simon
Album........: Surprise
Label........: Warner Bros / Wea
Genre........: Rock
Catnr........: n/a
source.......: CDDA May-01-2006 May-26-2006
quality......: VBR/44,1Hz/Joint-Stereo
Url..........: n/a

Among the most popular artists and greatest
songwriters of our time, Paul Simon returns with
his first album in six years—and the album titled
Surprise is exactly that. First, three songs were
co-written with electronic music guru Brian Eno;
second, the other songs are straightforward,
wonderfully American pop. Surprise is a pleasant
surprise for Simon fans.


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