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The Radio Dept. - Pet Grief

Release: The Radio Dept. - Pet Grief

The Radio Dept. - Pet Grief

01. It's personal
02. Pet grief
03. A window
04. I wanted you to feel the same
05. South side
06. The worst taste in music
07. Every time
08. What will give?
09. Gibraltar
10. Sleeping in
11. Tell
12. Always a relief


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The Radio Depts first album, »Lesser matters« was called "a minor classic" by NME and voted one of the 10 best albums of the year in the same magazine. Now the very much anticipated follow up »Pet grief« is finally here. You'll hear from the very first chord that you're listening to The Radio Dept. Still, something has definitely changed. The mood is darker, more epic, grander and even more beautiful than ever. A major classic!


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