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Die Krupps - Die Krupps II: The Final Option

Release: Die Krupps - Die Krupps II: The Final Option

Die Krupps - Die Krupps II: The Final Option

01. Die Krupps - [The Final Option #01] Crossfire [4:41]
02. Die Krupps - [The Final Option #02] Language Of Reality [4:08]
03. Die Krupps - [The Final Option #03] Bloodsuckers [3:52]
04. Die Krupps - [The Final Option #04] Fatherland [4:07]
05. Die Krupps - [The Final Option #05] To The Hilt [4:46]
06. Die Krupps - [The Final Option #06] Iron Man [4:31]
07. Die Krupps - [The Final Option #07] Inside Out [4:19]
08. Die Krupps - [The Final Option #08] Paradise Of Sin [4:06]
09. Die Krupps - [The Final Option #09] Worst Case Scenario [4:19]
10. Die Krupps - [The Final Option #10] Shellshocked [3:33]
11. Die Krupps - [The Final Option #11] New Temptation [3:57]


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This is their best work, personally I have no doubt. In the middle of their evolution from minimalistic EBM similar (although with their own style) to DAF, F242's Geography or Nitzer Ebb's That Total Age towards heavy metal, this work stays in a noman's land which makes it a unique album. The songs sound best than ever, brilliantly mixing electronics and guitars, and not following their later way of starting a song powerfully electronic and then instantly turn it into a metal one (i.e. The Last Flood, LCD...) in the vein of Rammstein or OOmph; The Final Option does not contain a weak song; 'Fatherland' is maybe the best (only comparable to 'Alive' from Odyssey of the mind, their following work) with a very catchy chorus and almost lack of guitar. (A copy of this song, I don't know if intentionally or not appears in their's 'Decaydenz', 'The Final Show') Other great songs are 'Crossfire' (simply amazing), 'To the Hilt' or 'Worst Case Scenario'; Even though Bill Leeb (FLA) thinks he invented something with his 'Millenium', Die Krupps denies him with this almost perfect work which anticipates the later fever of blending metal guitars with heavy electronics, and the German band do it better than the majority of their followers; It seems that's 'Decaydenz' retakes in some way the style of this 'The Final Option', which are good news, at least for me.


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