Mr. Sam - Lyteo
Release: Mr. Sam - Lyteo

- Datum: 08.04.2006
ÛÛ 01. Contemporain 02:23 ÛÛ
ÛÛ 02. Insight 07:42 ÛÛ
ÛÛ 03. Lyteo 07:19 ÛÛ
ÛÛ 04. Lodestar 05:18 ÛÛ
ÛÛ 05. Flying Around 03:48 ÛÛ
ÛÛ 06. Secret 09:09 ÛÛ
ÛÛ 07. Me & You 03:52 ÛÛ
ÛÛ 08. Neo Vulcan 03:55 ÛÛ
ÛÛ 09. Polar Dome 03:37 ÛÛ
ÛÛ 10. Lost & Found 07:06 ÛÛ
ÛÛ 11. Learning To Fly 07:02 ÛÛ
ÛÛ 12. Kimia Eya Na Mokili 04:24 ÛÛ
ÛÛ 13. Split 06:21 ÛÛ
ÛÛ 14. Alegrya 01:58 ÛÛ
ÛÛ Total Track Time - 73:54 min ÛÛ
- Genre: Trance
- Qualität: 192 kbit/s
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ÛÛß TitlE.........: Lyteo ÛÛß
Ü ²Û LabeL.........: Maelstrom ÛܲÝ
ß²Û Cat.Nr........: n/a ÛÛÝÝ
°²Ûß ßÜÛ² Ý
ÜÛÛ GenrE.........: Trance ÜÛÛ
ÜÛÛ UrL...........: n/a ÜÛÛ
ÞÛÛ RiP DatE......: 05-04-2006 Û² Ý
ÜÛÛÛ Ü TrackS........: 14 ßÛÛÜÝ
ÞÛÞÛÜ²ß SizE..........: 108,6 MB ÛÛÝß
ß²ÛÛÝ QualitY.......: VBRKBps / 44.1Khz / Joint-Stereo ÛÛÛÜ
ÛÛ Well here we have it, Mr Sams debut album. The guys ÛÛ
ÛÛ taken a fair bit of flack over his partnership with ÛÛ
ÛÛ Andreas Dimitri in 'Mojado' with rumours that he doesn't ÛÛ
ÛÛ actually contribute anything himself, while that may be ÛÛ
ÛÛ true, we've got a great album here. ÛÛ
ÛÛ Kirsty Hawkshaw provides the vocals on 'Insight', his ÛÛ
ÛÛ latest production, familiar tracks include the superb ÛÛ
ÛÛ 'Lyteo' and the ever so cheesey'Flying Around'. Lots of ÛÛ
ÛÛ vocal based tracks on the CD with a downtempo/chillout ÛÛ
ÛÛ feeling with 'Neo Vulcan' and 'Polar Dome' sounding like ÛÛ
ÛÛ they have some potential as club hits :) ÛÛ
ÛÛ Enjoy the CD. TSP's second anniversary in under 2 weeks ÛÛ
ÛÛ dont forget :) ÛÛ