Billy Bragg - The Roaring Forty-1983-2023 (Deluxe Edition)
Release: Billy_Bragg-The_Roaring_Forty-1983-2023-Deluxe_Edition-WEB-2023-MARR
01. Billy Bragg - A New England 2:13
02. Billy Bragg - The Milkman Of Human Kindness 2:48
03. Billy Bragg - To Have And To Have Not 2:32
04. Billy Bragg - The Man In The Iron Mask 2:13
05. Billy Bragg - St. Swithin's Day 3:50
06. Billy Bragg - The Saturday Boy 3:29
07. Billy Bragg - Between The Wars 2:28
08. Billy Bragg - The World Turned Upside Down 2:34
09. Billy Bragg - Which Side Are You On 2:33
10. Billy Bragg - Levi Stubbs' Tears 3:31
11. Billy Bragg - Greetings To The New Brunette 3:31
12. Billy Bragg - There Is Power In A Union 2:49
13. Billy Bragg - Help Save The Youth Of America 2:49
14. Billy Bragg - She's Leaving Home (Feat. Cara 3:01
15. Billy Bragg - She's Got A New Spell 3:25
16. Billy Bragg - Must I Paint You A Picture 5:31
17. Billy Bragg - Waiting For The Great Leap 4:35
18. Billy Bragg - The Internationale 3:48
19. Billy Bragg - Tank Park Salute 3:29
20. Billy Bragg - Sexuality 3:48
21. Billy Bragg - Accident Waiting To Happen (Red 3:49
22. Billy Bragg - Upfield 4:07
23. Billy Bragg - The Boy Done Good 3:21
24. Billy Bragg Wilco - Walt Whitman's Niece 3:53
25. Billy Bragg Wilco - Way Over Yonder In The 4:06
26. Billy Bragg Wilco - My Flying Saucer 1:45
27. Billy Bragg The Blokes - California Stars 3:57
28. Billy Bragg The Blokes - England Half English 2:25
29. Billy Bragg The Blokes - Some Days I See The 4:56
30. Billy Bragg The Blokes - Take Down The Union 3:21
31. Billy Bragg - Old Clash Fan Fight Song 2:33
32. Billy Bragg - I Keep Faith 4:33
33. Billy Bragg - Never Buy The Sun 3:44
34. Billy Bragg Wilco - Bugeye Jim 3:14
35. Billy Bragg - No One Knows Nothing Anymore 4:31
36. Billy Bragg - Handyman Blues 3:03
37. Billy Bragg Joe Henry - The LN Don't Stop 4:30
38. Billy Bragg - King Tide And The Sunny Day Flood 2:59
39. Billy Bragg - Mid-Century Modern 5:28
40. Billy Bragg - I Will Be Your Shield 3:33
- Genre: Alternative
- Qualität: 320 kbit/s
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