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DJ Versatile - Verscity

Release: DJ Versatile - Verscity

DJ Versatile - Verscity

01. (01:2cool DJ Versatile - Intro - Dj Versatile
02. (02:56) DJ Versatile - The Midnight Creep - Havoc & Twin / She Raw
03. (02:36) DJ Versatile - Spontaneus - Transmit
04. (01:5cool DJ Versatile - Cenz / Xzibit - Rapresentin´
05. (00:13) DJ Versatile - Lecken Skit 1
06. (03:25) DJ Versatile - Kofax feat. Evidence - Undisputables / Quasimo
07. (03:26) DJ Versatile - Mation Man - Terrorist
08. (01:49) DJ Versatile - G.O.D.silla
09. (03:53) DJ Versatile - Pep Love & Planet Asia - Soundcheck / Zwang
10. (03:34) DJ Versatile - Jedi Mind Tricks - Retalition / DopeDefoceOne
11. (00:45) DJ Versatile - Shadow
12. (00:34) DJ Versatile - Lecken Skit 2
13. (03:30) DJ Versatile - Royce 5´9 - I'm the King / Plaetter Pi
14. (01:11) DJ Versatile - Druss
15. (01:4cool DJ Versatile - Sondoobie - Rehinstated
16. (03:15) DJ Versatile - The High & Mighty - Mind, Soul & Body
17. (01:4cool DJ Versatile - Tayler&Kazer / Paula Perry - I keep i Real
18. (03:54) DJ Versatile - Fat Joe - Lean Back / Eych
19. (01:00) DJ Versatile - Vokalmatador
20. (03:37) DJ Versatile - Casual - Same O.G. / Sha-Karl
21. (03:22) DJ Versatile - Prodigy,Alchemist,Twin&Evidence - Fourth of July / Serk
22. (05:04) DJ Versatile - OC - U-N-I
Playing Time.........: 55:16
Total Size...........: 76,46 MB


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shared by............: OR4Y
Artist...............: DJ Versatile
Album................: Verscity
Genre................: Hip-Hop
Source...............: CD
Year.................: 2005
Ripper...............: Overtaker &
Codec................: LAME 3.92
Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III
Quality..............: Standard, (avg. bitrate: 193kbps)
Channels.............: Stereo / 48000 hz
Tags.................: , ID3 v2.3

Ripped by............: Overtaker on 20.01.2006
Posted by............: Overtaker on 24.01.2006

Included.............: NFO, SFV, M3U
Covers...............: Front
So nun endlich das coole Mixtape vom Maintheme Records DJ.
Ein Paar exclusives sind au dabei...viel spaß damit...


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