Covenant - Skyshaper (Promo)
Release: Covenant - Skyshaper (Promo)

- Datum: 24.01.2006
°Û± 01³ Ritual Noise (Album Version) ³ 07:19 ±Û°
°Û± 02³ Pulse ³ 06:05 ±Û°
°Û± 03³ Happy Man ³ 02:46 ±Û°
°Û± 04³ Brave New World ³ 05:25 ±Û°
°Û± 05³ The Men ³ 03:17 ±Û°
°Û± 06³ Sweet and Salty ³ 06:10 ±Û°
°Û± 07³ Greater Than The Sun ³ 05:10 ±Û°
°Û± 08³ 20 Hz ³ 05:10 ±Û°
°Û± 09³ Spindrift ³ 07:01 ±Û°
°Û± 10³ The World Is Growing Loud ³ 04:58 ±Û°
°Û± 11³ Ritual Noise (Version S) ³ 06:54 ±Û°
°Û± ³ ³ _____ ±Û°
°Û² ³ TOTAL PLAYTiME (MiN):³ 60:15 ²Û°
- Genre: Electro/EBM
- Qualität: 192 kbit/s
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°Û± Returning with their sixth album, Swedish trio Covenant once ±Û°
°Û± again prove their mastery of electronic music. New masterpiece ±Û°
°Û± "Skyshaper" develops and evolves their trademark sound - from ±Û°
°Û± Kraftwerkian album opener ( and first single ) "Ritual Noise", ±Û°
°Û± to the utterly infectious electro-pop of "Brave New World, they ±Û°
°Û± cut a swathe through dull, pre-set drudgery delivering an album ±Û°
°Û± of intimate melody and glittering, spine-tingling club friendly ±Û°
°Û± anthems. Tracks such as guaranteed HIT song "20 Hz" ( recently ±Û°
°Û± appearing on the soundtrack for XBox 360 game Project Gotham ±Û°
°Û± Racing 3 ) to the melancholy-laden ballad "The World is Growing ±Û°
°Û± Loud" and the utterly unique "Spindrift" with its amazing siren ±Û°
°Û± chants - "Skyshaper" contains all the ingredients to surpass the ±Û°
°Û± success of all previous Covenant albums. The continuing ±Û°
°Û± evolution of one of the Electro scenes biggest bands continues ±Û°
°Û± to amaze, surprise and inspire - utterly, truly brilliant. ±Û°
°Û± ±Û°
°Û± Ok,guys here is the clean promo version, no annoying voices on it ±Û°
°Û± and before some smartass tries to pre the version thats been out ±Û°
°Û± on p2p on 192 CBR like the Mesh one, we bring you the good stuff ±Û°
°Û± ENJOY!!! ±Û°