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Tosca - Different Tastes Of Honey

Release: Tosca - Different Tastes Of Honey

Tosca - Different Tastes Of Honey

1. Honey - Piano intro
2. Honey - Markus Kienzl dub
3. Honey - Massi dub
4. Honey - Funky Lowlives dub
5. Honey - Faze Action dub
6. Honey - Biggabush dub
7. Honey - Supatone 1 dub
8. Honey - Only Child dub
9. Honey - Organic Audio dub
10. Honey - Shelter Ave dub
11. Honey - Kieser.Velten dub
12. Honey - Azoia dub
13. Honey - Freedom Satellite
14. Honey - Supatone 2 dub
15. Honey - Piano end


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After the success of the Suzuki album, Tosca return with an afterburner, the already traditional collection of mixes. This time the choice cut is "Honey", a tune that rocked radio, clubs and hi-fi sets alike. Here it melts into an all new variety of flavors via an allstar team of remixers. Although the album features just this one song it gives you the feeling of an entire album and will glue your ears to the headphones.

Nutrition Facts: Markus Kienzl, part of the sofa surfers, contibuted a bass+beat heavy mix, that is also the score for the astounding videosession soon on your tv, where wild honeys are spreading this very fluid over their beautiful bodies.... a sticky sweet must-see!

Massi, Shelter Av.+Azoia are projects courtesy of Nylon records from
Portugal. They impressively weave their own downtempo science around
the original samples.


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