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P.O.D. - Testify

Release: P.O.D. - Testify

P.O.D. - Testify

Û :01:. Roots In Stereo 04:43:. Û
Û :02:. Lights Out 02:47:. Û
Û :03:. If You Could See Me Now 03:08:. Û
Û :04:. Goodbye For Now 04:35:. Û
Û :05:. Sounds Like War 03:53:. Û
Û :06:. On The Grind 04:25:. Û
Û :07:. This Time 04:41:. Û
Û :08:. Mistakes & Glories 03:38:. Û
Û :09:. Let You Down 04:15:. Û
Û :10:. Teachers 04:22:. Û
Û :11:. Strength Of My Life 03:38:. Û
Û :12:. Say Hello 02:32:. Û
Û :13:. Mark My Words 03:43:. Û


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Û 14 years ago P.O.D formed in San Diego. On the Û
Û new album "Testify" singer Sonny, drummer Wuv, Û
Û bassist Traa and guitarist Truby have received Û
Û help from hit maker Glen Ballard. "Glen pretty Û
Û much took the best of what we had already Û
Û recorded up to that point and made it even Û
Û better," Wuv said. Û
Û The title "Testify" has a lot of meaning to the Û
Û band. "To us, that word speaks for itself. It's Û
Û powerful. In our 14 years together, that's what Û
Û we've been doing. We've been testifying to the Û
Û things that we believe in and that we've come to Û
Û know," Sonny said. Û
Û Now it's time for all you P.O.D fans to enjoy Û
Û this testimony from the band as we have the full Û
Û album for you to listen to one week prior to its Û
Û release. Go on and enjoy! Û


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