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Habakuk - 4 Life

Release: Habakuk - 4 Life

Habakuk - 4 Life

01.Zycia Rytm [03:33]
02.Dobry Riddim [02:58]
03.Zostane Politykiem [03:24]
04.Kto? [04:27]
05.Ja Jako Ty (Feat. Irie) [04:16]
06.Familijna Komitywa (Feat. Pablopavo, Bob1, Reggaener [04:54]
07.Skit [00:14]
08.Miasto (Feat. Muniek) [03:20]
09.Niewidzialne [03:48]
10.To Kocha Co Ma [04:25]
11.Jestem Twoj [04:52]
12.Baza [03:55]
13.Tutaj W PL (Feat. DaBass) [04:23]
14.Kiedy Nie Ma Cie [04:24]
15.Mr. X Dub [04:51]


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Habakuk was founded in 1990 in Czestochowa-Poland.In this moment it is one of the best polish reggae groups. On 6 of december band released their newest album called "4Life".Their last album was released 3 years ago and it was a huge event in Polish music. During this time they've had 3 big tours (twice Rege Tonite and Punky Reggae Party) and performed on all of most important reggae festivals in Poland. One of their songs called Out Of Babylon in remix of Mario Dziurex was on european reggae compilation.Here is their newest album.


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