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Jello Biafra with The Melvins - Sieg Howdy!

Release: Jello Biafra with The Melvins - Sieg Howdy!

Jello Biafra with The Melvins - Sieg Howdy!

1.Halo of Flies
2.Lighter Side of Global Terrorism [Extended Space-Melt Version]
3.Lessons in What Not to Become
4.Those Dumb Punk Kids (Will Buy Anything)
5.Kali-Fornia Uber Alles 21st Century [Live]
6.Wholly Bun-Bull
7.Voted Off the Island
8.Dawn of the Locusts [March of the Locusts Deadverse Remix]
9.Enchanted Thoughtfist [Enchanted Al Remix]
10.Caped Crusader [Subway Gas/Hello Kitty Mix]


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DK fans rejoice! Here is the second
collaboration of the legendary Jello Biafra with
The Melvins. This guy's music raised me, so I'm
happy to bring you this great CD. It even
features a new version of California Uber Alles
about Arnold Schwarzenegger. Finally some
quality punk rock.. enjoy.


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