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Mount Eerie - No Flashlight (Songs of the Fulfilled Night)

Release: Mount Eerie - No Flashlight (Songs of the Fulfilled Night)

Mount Eerie - No Flashlight (Songs of the Fulfilled Night)

01. i know no one
02. i hold nothing
03. the moan
04. in the bat's mouth
05. no inside, no out
06. (2 lakes)
07. stop singing
08. no flashlight pt.1
09. (2 mountains)
10. the air in the morning
11. the universe is shown
12. what i actually am
13. how
14. no flashlight pt.2
15. (2 moons)
16. the intimacy of the world with the world
17. the same ocean
18. waterfalls (by Thanksgiving)
19. where


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Release: 16. August 2005


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