My Morning Jacket - Chapter 1: The Sandworm Cometh
Release: My Morning Jacket - Chapter 1: The Sandworm Cometh
- Datum: 10.07.2005
1. Weeks Go by Like Days - My Morning Jacket
2. What Will I Do?
3. M. White Rabbit
4. Downtown
5. I Just Wanted to Be Your Friend
6. Time Never Gets
7. They Ran [Acoustic]
8. Evelyn [Be-Mixed]
9. Isobella w/The White Umbrella
10. Josta Dreams and Bitter Hands
11. Olde Sept Blues (Ga-Ed Out) [Live]
12. When Will They Come??
13. Somebody Cares About the Maestro
14. Rocket Man
- Genre: Industrial
- Qualität: 224 kbit/s
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HinweiseRelease: 2005 (?)
Genre: Indie Pop, Alternative Country-Rock, Neo-Psychedelia, Dream Pop
just try it ;-)
Genre: Indie Pop, Alternative Country-Rock, Neo-Psychedelia, Dream Pop
just try it ;-)