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Public Enemy - It Takes A Nation: The First London Invasion Tour 1987

Release: Public Enemy - It Takes A Nation: The First London Invasion Tour 1987

Public Enemy - It Takes A Nation: The First London Invasion Tour 1987

01. Countdown To Armageddon
02. Raise The Roof
03. Too Much Posse
04. Bring The Noise
05. My Uzi Weighs A Ton
06. Rightstarter
07. Rebel Without A Pause
08. You're Gonna Get Yours
09. Timebomb
10. Public Enemy Number One
11. MKLVFKWR [DJ Johnny Juice On The Loose RMX]
12. Public Enemy Number One [DJ Spooky Drums Of Death RMX]
13. Bass In Your Face
14. Miuzi Weighs A Ton (Live With DJ Lord - San Francisco 1999)
15. Public Enemy Number One (Geronimo Punks Redo)
16. Do You Wanna Go Our Way [23 Skidoo UK RMX]
17. Do You Wanna Go Our Way [Nexttmen UK RMX]
18. Rebirthinstrumental
19. Bring That Beat Back (Bonus 2005 Sneak Peak)


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Release Date: 17.05.'05
Genre: Rap/Hip-Hop
Quality: VBR AVG 183 kbps JS
Release Notes:
Check out and follow Public Enemy on their very first embarkment upon the Euro-UK
shores during the Def Jam tour of 1987. Thatcher was Prime Minister, Nelson Mandela
was still in a South African prison, Reagan was US president, the Wall was still up
and a King holiday was far away. PE stepped into this world with plenty to say,
vintage interviews, and the incendiary performance. Catch the Rolling Stones of rap
as they begin their road to the world. Live November 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 1987:
European Def Jam Tour, Hammersmith Odeon, London. Bonus features: photos, Chuck D
commentary, live Australia 2003 clips, bonus audio CD with rare remixes.

More info:


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