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Eric B. & Rakim - Follow The Leader (Expanded Edition)

Release: Eric B. & Rakim - Follow The Leader (Expanded Edition)

Eric B. & Rakim - Follow The Leader (Expanded Edition)

01. Follow The Leader
02. Microphone Fiend
03. Lyrics Of Fury
04. Eric B. Never Scared
05. Just A Beat
06. Put Your Hands Together
07. To The Listeners
08. No Competition
09. The R
10. Musical Massacre
11. Beats For The Listeners
12. The R [Extended Remix]
13. Microphone Fiend [Extended RMX]
14. Put Your Hands Together (Fan Force Mix)


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Release Date: 26.04.'05 (Expanded Edition, Remastered, ReIssue)
(Original Release Date 25.06.'88)
Genre: Rap/Hip-Hop
Quality: VBR AVG 203 kbps JS
Release Notes:
After getting paid in full on their near-perfect 1987 debut, success didn't spoil
the legendary Eric B. and Rakim on their 1988 follow-up. A more complete "album"
than their previous singles-dominated release, Follow the Leader still stands as
one of the definitive documents of hip-hop's fabled golden age. Though Eric B
contributes strong production and two early turntablist blueprints
("Eric B. Never Scared" and "Just a Beat"), this was clearly Rakim's time to
shine. His smooth baritone flow never tires, even when the album's energy wanes
in the second half. Rakim's verses on the album's first three tracks ("Follow the Leader," "Microphone Fiend," and "Lyrics of Fury") are the stuff of hip-hop legend,
and the subject matter rarely strays from the swaggering, chest-thumping template
of these three classics. On "Follow the Leader," he confidently boasts "I can take
a phrase that's rarely heard / Flip it / Now it's a daily word." He ain't no joke.

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