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Z-Ro - Let The Truth Be Told

Release: Z-Ro - Let The Truth Be Told

Z-Ro - Let The Truth Be Told

01. Mo City Don Freestyle
02. The Mule (Feat. Devin The Dude & Juvenile)
03. Dont Wanna Hurt Nobody (Feat. Trae & Lil' Boss)
04. Platinum
05. It Dont Stop
06. Im A Soldier
07. 1 Night (Feat. Trae)
08. Help Me Please
09. Another Song
10. Everyday Samething
11. The Same One
12. 1st Time Again (Feat. Ashanti)
13. From The South (Feat. Paul Wall & Lil' Flip)
14. Respect My Mind
15. Ride 2 Night
16. Auntie & Grandma
17. Its A Shame


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Release Date: 26.04.'05
Genre: Southern Gangsta Rap
Quality: VBR AVG 205 kbps JS
Release Notes:
Z-Ro has made a name for himself in the streets of Houston and the south
as the best rapper in the game. Let the Truth Be Told promises to give
Z-Ro the national appeal needed to go platinum.

Z-Ro is releasing Let The Truth Be Told April 26th this year. He had
this to say about why he chose to name it that...

“I’m gonna let the truth be told on faggot-ass police.
’m let the truth be told on these faggot-ass CEOs of these record labels,
I let the truth be told on these faggot-ass niggas in the street,
I’m letting the truth be told on these rappers –that’s one thing about
me is I tell like it is. You can call me a label muthafucka because I put
labels on muthafuckas. It’s a lotta muthafuckas rapping from the 3rd
person man. They just there to talk about shit in general.
Me, I’m gonna talk about some particular shit or some particular
muthafuckas. If I feel like a muthafucka’s being less than a G then I’m
gonna say it on my shit. That’s why I called it Let The Truth be Told.”

The first single is The Mule featuring Juvenile & Devin the Dude.



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