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Jackson 5 - Gold

Release: Jackson 5 - Gold

Jackson 5 - Gold

Disc 1
1.I Want You Back
2.Who's Loving You
4.Young Folks
5.Love You Save
6.I Found That Girl
7.I'll Bet You
8.I'll Be There
9.Goin' Back to Indiana
10.Mama's Pearl
11.Darling Dear
12.Never Can Say Goodbye
13.Maybe Tomorrow
14.It's Great to Be Here
15.Sugar Daddy
16.I'm So Happy [#]
17.Medley: Sing a Simple Song/Can You Remember [#]
18.Doctor My Eyes
19.Little Bitty Pretty One
20.Lookin' Through the Windows
21.Love Song [#]

Disc 2
1.Corner of the Sky
3.Hallelujah Day
4.Daddy's Home [Live][#]
5.Get It Together
6.Hum Along and Dance
7.Mama I Gotta Brand New Thing (Don't Say No)
8.It's Too Late to Change the Time
9.Dancing Machine
10.Whatever You Got, I Want
11.Life of the Party
12.I Am Love
13.All I Do Is Think of You
14.Forever Came Today
15.We're Here to Entertain


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Vö: 24. Februar 2005


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