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Pope John Paul II - Abba Pater

Release: Pope John Paul II - Abba Pater

Pope John Paul II - Abba Pater

01. Cercate Il Suo Volto
02. Cristo E Liberazione
03. Verum Caro Factum Est
04. Abba Pater
05. Vieni Santo Spirito
06. Padre, Ti Chiediamo Perdono
07. Dove C'e Amore C'e Dio
08. Padre Della Luce
09. Un Comandamento Nuovo
10. Madre Di Tutte Le Genti
11. La Legge Delle Beatitudini


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Release Date: 23.03.'99
Quality: VBR AVG 227 kbps FS
Release Notes:
Accompanied by a resplendently rhythmic score and including an intriguing
blend of classical, world, and contemporary western music, Abba Pater is
Pope John Paul II's uplifting message to the faithful everywhere.
Released in timely celebration of Holy Week and Easter, and in
anticipation of the millennial Great Jubilee pilgrimage, this sacred
inner expedition of sound explores universal themes of spirituality such
as praise, forgiveness, and brotherly love. Abba Pater is the first
musical CD ever to feature the most famous man in the world, whose
dramatic and moving words delivered on these tracks are culled from
archival recordings from the first 20 years of his papacy. In five
beautifully expressed languages, the Pope sings, chants, and prays for
the healing of humankind, all of which is perhaps best summed up by the
words in Psalm 26: "I believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living."

...Pray for the Pope...


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