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The Black Market Militia - The Black Market Militia LP

Release: The Black Market Militia - The Black Market Militia LP

The Black Market Militia - The Black Market Militia LP

01. Intro (Children Of Children) (Feat. Oscar Brown Jr.)
02. Thug Nation
03. Mayday!
04. Audobon Ballroom (Feat Dead. Prez)
05. The Struggle
06. Hood Lullabye
07. Gem Star's
08. Righteous Talk
09. The Final Call (Feat. Abiodun Oyemole Of The Last Poets)
10. Dead Street Scrolls
11. Paintbrush
12. Black Market
13. The Breath Of Life
14. Think Market


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Release Date: 22.03.'05
Genre: Rap/Hip-Hop
Quality: VBR AVG 204 kbps JS
Release Notes:

Black Market Militia: Hell Razah, Killah Priest, Timbo King, Tragedy Khadafi.

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