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Bone Thugs N Harmony - Greatest Hits

Release: Bone Thugs N Harmony - Greatest Hits

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Greatest Hits

Disc 1
1.Carole of the Bones
2.Thuggish Ruggish Bone
3.Foe tha Love of $
4.1st of tha Month
5.Shoot 'Em Up
6.Buddah Lovaz
7.Days of Our Livez
8.Tha Crossroads
9.Thug Luv
10.Notorious Thugs
12.All Good

Disc 2
1.Look Into My Eyes
2.Blaze It
3.Get Cha Thug On
4.Thug Mentality
5.Resurrection (Paper, Paper)
7.Weed Song
8.Still the Greatest
9.Get Up & Get It
10.Money, Money
11.Ghetto Cowboy
12.Thugz Cry
14.Cleveland Is the City


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