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Dwight Yoakam - The Very Best Of

Release: Dwight Yoakam - The Very Best Of

Dwight Yoakam - The Very Best Of

1.Honky tonk man
2.Guitars, cadillacs
3.Little sister
4.Little ways
5.Please, please baby
6.Streets of Bakersfield
7.I sang dixie
8.Long white Cadillac
9.Turn it on, turn it up, turn me loose
10.You're the one
11.Suspicious minds
12.It only hurts when I cry
13.Ain't that lonely yet
14.A thousand miles from nowhere
15.Fast as you
16.Crazy little thing called love
17.I want you to want me
18.Things change
19.The late great golden state
20.The back of your hand


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