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Therion - A' Arab Zaraq Lucid Dreaming

Release: Therion - A' Arab Zaraq Lucid Dreaming

Therion - A' Arab Zaraq Lucid Dreaming

01. Into remembrance
02. Black fairy
03. Fly to the rainbow
04. Children of the damned
05. Under Jolly Roger
06. Symphony of the dead
07. Here comes the tears
08. Enter transcendental sleep
09. The quiet desert
10. Down the qliphothic tunnel
11. Up to netzach / Floating back
12. The fall into eclipse
13. Enter transcendental sleep II
14. The gates to A'arab Zaraq are open
15. The quiet desert II
16. Down the qliphothic tunnel II
17. Up to netzach II
18. Floating back II

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