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7L & Esoteric - Bars Of Death

Release: 7L & Esoteric - Bars Of Death

7L & Esoteric - Bars Of Death

1. DC Theme
2. Ring Music
3. Loud & CLear
4. Rise Of The Rebel
5. Rogue Nation
6. This Is War (featuring Army Of The Pharoahs)
7. Graphic Violence
8. Neverending Saga
9. Grace Of Gods (featuring Rise)
10. Murder-Death-Kill (featuring Celph Titled)
11. Battlefield
12. Touchy Subject (featuring Uno The Prophet)
13. Deathgrip
14. So Glorious
15. Way Of The Gun (feat. Celph Titled, Lord Digga & Apathy)
16. Another Way Out
17. That's Right (featuring Main Flow & K.T.)


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

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