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X-Ecutioners - Revolutions (Full Retail)

Release: X-Ecutioners - Revolutions (Full Retail)

X-Ecutioners - Revolutions (Full Retail)

01 Skit 1 1:58
02 The Countdown Part 2 (Feat. 1:45
Blue Man Group)
03 Live From The PJs (Feat. 2:53
Ghostface Killah, Trife & Black
04 Like This (Feat. Anikke) 3:23
05 C'mon 2:51
06 Skit 2 2:05
07 Back To Back (Feat. Saigon & 3:08
Scram Jones)
08 Let Me Rock (Feat. Start 3:26
09 The Regulators (Feat. Rock 3:15
Marcy & Sly Boogie)
10 Space Invader 3:36
11 Old School Throwdown 2:36
12 Get With It (Feat. Cypress 3:29
13 (Even) More Human Than Human 3:58
(Feat. Rob Zombie, Slug from
Atmosphere & Josey Scott)
14 Skit 3 1:16
15 Sucka Thank He Cud Wup Me 3:40
(Feat. Dead Prez)
16 The Truth (Feat. Fat Joe & 3:40
17 Ill Bill 3:59
18 Skit 4 0:39


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