Radiohead - KID A MNESIA
Release: Radiohead-KID_A_MNESIA-WEB-2021-MyMom
01. Radiohead - Everything In Its Right Place 04:11
02. Radiohead - Packt Like Sardines In a Crushd Tin Box 04:00
03. Radiohead - Like Spinning Plates ('Why Us' Version) 05:05
04. Radiohead - Kid A 04:45
05. Radiohead - Pyramid Song 04:49
06. Radiohead - Untitled v1 01:49
07. Radiohead - The National Anthem 05:52
08. Radiohead - PulkPull Revolving Doors 04:07
09. Radiohead - Fog (Again Again Version) 02:25
10. Radiohead - How to Disappear Completely 05:56
11. Radiohead - You And Whose Army 03:11
12. Radiohead - If You Say the Word 04:21
13. Radiohead - Treefingers 03:43
14. Radiohead - I Might Be Wrong 04:54
15. Radiohead - Follow Me Around 05:19
16. Radiohead - Optimistic 05:16
17. Radiohead - Knives Out 04:15
18. Radiohead - PulkPull (True Love Waits Version) 02:46
19. Radiohead - In Limbo 03:31
20. Radiohead - Morning BellAmnesiac 03:14
21. Radiohead - Untitled v2 00:46
22. Radiohead - Idioteque 05:09
23. Radiohead - Dollars and Cents 04:52
24. Radiohead - The Morning Bell (In the Dark Version) 02:00
25. Radiohead - Morning Bell 04:36
26. Radiohead - Hunting Bears 02:01
27. Radiohead - Pyramid Strings 01:18
28. Radiohead - Motion Picture Soundtrack 03:20
29. Radiohead - Like Spinning Plates 03:57
30. Radiohead - Alt. Fast Track 01:32
31. Radiohead - Untitled 00:53
32. Radiohead - Life In a Glasshouse 04:37
33. Radiohead - Untitled v3 01:17
34. Radiohead - How to Disappear into Strings 05:33
- Genre: Rock
- Qualität: 320 kbit/s
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