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Paddy Kelly - In Exile

Release: Paddy Kelly - In Exile

Paddy Kelly - In Exile

01. Paddy Kelly "Living in the Line of Fire" [04:59]
02. Paddy Kelly "Money making Machine" [05:01]
03. Paddy Kelly "Pray Pray Pray" [04:28]
04. Paddy Kelly "Rain of Roses" [05:24]
05. Paddy Kelly "No Fuzz, No Buzz, back to Rock'n Roll" [04:42]
06. Paddy Kelly "When you Sleep" [04:38]
07. Paddy Kelly "Thanking blessed Mary" [04:54]
08. Paddy Kelly "Knick-Knack-Paddy-Wack" [03:46]
09. Paddy Kelly "Search for Truth" [04:42]
10. Paddy Kelly "Movie" [03:15]
11. Paddy Kelly "Hope" [04:38]


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