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Nirvana - Rainbow Chaser: The 60s recordings (The Island Years)

Release: Nirvana-Rainbow_Chaser_The_60s_Recordings_(The_Island_Years)-WEB-2018-ENTiTLED

Nirvana - Rainbow Chaser: The 60s recordings (The Island Years)

01. Wings Of Love 03:21
02. Lonely Boy 02:31
03. We Can Help You 01:59
04. Satellite Jockey 02:34
05. In The Courtyard Of The Stars 02:35
06. You Are Just The One 02:07
07. Pentecost Hotel 03:07
08. I Never Had A Love Like This Before 02:50
09. Take This Hand 02:17
10. 1999 02:15
11. I Believe In Magic 03:24
12. Feelin' Shattered 02:22
13. Flashbulb 02:15
14. C Side In Ocho Rios 02:15
15. Requiem To John Coltrane 04:56
16. Lonely Boy (Instrumental Version) 02:53
17. I Never Had A Love Like This Before (Instrumental Ve 02:53
18. Tiny Goddess (1967 Version) 03:44
19. Life Ain't Easy (Mono) 03:15
20. Goodbye Baby Bunting 02:28
21. Omnibus 02:43
22. Oscar (Oh What A Performance) (Long Version 1) 04:22
23. Oscar (Oh What A Performance) (Long Version 2) 04:28
24. Goodbye Baby Bunting (Demo) 02:27
25. City Of The South (Instrumental Version) 02:40
26. Trapeze (Demo) 02:24
27. Darling Darlane (Long Version - Take 3) 03:38
28. Rainbow Chaser 02:38
29. Tiny Goddess 04:01
30. The Touchables (All Of Us) 02:58
31. Melanie Blue 02:39
32. Trapeze 02:47
33. The Show Must Go On 02:39
34. Girl In The Park 02:39
35. Miami Masquerade 02:47
36. Frankie The Great 02:27
37. You Can Try It 03:16
38. Everybody Loves The Clown 02:00
39. St John's Wood Affair 04:19
40. Oh What A Performance 03:09
41. Darling Darlane 02:49
42. Rainbow Chaser (Alternate Version) 02:46
43. The Touchables (All Of Us) (Instrumental Version) 03:15
44. The Show Must Go On (Bouzouki Version) 02:32
45. Frankie The Great (Alternative Take) 02:51
46. You Can Try It (Alternative Take) 03:38
47. Everybody Loves The Clown (Alternative Take) 02:14
48. The Touchables (All Of Us) (Female Vocal Version) 02:53
49. Excerpt From The Blind The Beautiful (Alternativ 03:03
50. Black Flower (Alternative Take) 05:26
51. Love Suite (Instrumental Version) 06:28
52. Melanie Blue (2017 Version) 02:38


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