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Serious Black - Magic

Release: Serious_Black-Magic-WEB-2017-ENTiTLED

Serious Black - Magic

° 01. With a Tip of the Hat 00:56 °
° 02. Binary Magic 04:06 °
° 03. Burn! Witches Burn! 04:18 °
° 04. Lone Gunman Rule 03:07 °
° 05. Now You'll Never Know 04:14 °
° 06. I Can Do Magic 03:57 °
° 07. Serious Black Magic 04:35 °
° 08. Skeletons on Parade 05:59 °
° 09. Mr. Nightmist 04:02 °
° 10. The Witch of Caldwell Town 04:43 °
° 11. True Love Is Blind 04:04 °
° 12. Just Kill Me 04:16 °
° 13. Newfound Freedom 03:26 °
° 14. One Final Song (Hidden Track) 08:39 °
° 15. Temple of the Sun (Intro) (Live in Atlanta) 01:26 °
° 16. Akhenaton (Live in Atlanta) 05:00 °
° 17. Castor Skies (Live in Atlanta) 05:06 °
° 18. Older and Wiser (Live in Atlanta) 04:42 °
° 19. Trail of Murder (Live in Atlanta) 04:38 °
° 20. As Long as I'm Alive (Live in Atlanta) 04:52 °
° 21. Sealing My Fate (Live in Atlanta) 04:33 °
° 22. I Seek No Other Life (Live in Atlanta) 04:50 °
° 23. Setting Fire to the Earth (Live in Atlanta) 04:43 °
° 24. High and Low (Live in Atlanta) 03:50 °
° 25. As Daylight Breaks (Outro) (Live in Atlanta) 01:21 °


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