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Ramones – The Sire Years

Release: Ramones – The Sire Years

Ramones – The Sire Years

Explore the incomparable footprint of the Ramones’ musical legacy with a boxed set featuring the band’s seminal albums.
With the 1976 release of their debut album, the Ramones issued a manifesto with their groundbreaking sound, inspiring countless others to pick up guitars and rock.
Formed in the Forest Hills section of Queens, NY in 1974, the Ramones were completely original, forgoing a whole new sound and direction for music and giving birth to punk.

Disc 01 – Ramones (1976)
Disc 02 – Leave Home (1977)
Disc 03 – Rocket to Russia (1977)
Disc 04 – Road to Ruin (1978)
Disc 05 – End of the Century (1980)
Disc 06 – Pleasant Dreams (1981)
Disc 07 – Subterranean Jungle (1983)
Disc 08 – Too Tough to Die (1984)
Disc 09 – Animal Boy (1985) Please Note: All tracks on this album were recorded at 44k, mastered at 192/24
Disc 10 – Halfway to Sanity (1987)
Disc 11 – Brain Drain (1989) Please Note: All tracks on this album are at 44/16 only.

Hinweis: Kompletter Inhalt in der Nfo Datei!

Thanks UBC-Crew!


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