ConcreteFX Viper VSTi v1.2

Release: ConcreteFX Viper VSTi v1.2

- Datum: 27.04.2005
Uses 4 oscillators to create sounds , each oscillator can be modulated by any other oscillator (including itself for self -modulation) creating a possibility of up to 65536 different modulation setup. Each modulator can use frequency or ring modulation to create an enormous variety of different possibilities . Combined with this each oscillator has symmetry & pulse width modulation control and oscillator syncing.
-Over 100 additive waveforms in plus the normal analogue waveform, allow for a wide palette of source sounds.
-Two multi-mode filters , with 12/24 db low/high/band pass/notch filters plus ring modulation , comb filter and formant filter for vocal sounds.
-6 AHDSFR envelopes with variable curvature and 6 LFO's. These can control all the major parameters, using a simple to use modulation matrix . Plus full midi control of all the controls using midi learning.
-Step Sequencer with up to 16 steps which also can be used in the modulation matrix to create trance-gate sounds & simple sequences.
-Chorus , stereo delay & stereo widener.
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