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WaveArts Power Suite VST DX RTAS v5.4.9

Release: WaveArts Power Suite VST DX RTAS v5.4.9

WaveArts Power Suite VST DX RTAS v5.4.9

Our critically acclaimed audio plug-ins are now the top of their class,
featuring outstanding sound quality, exceptional CPU efficiency, stunning
visual interface design, world class customer support, and tremendous value
for the money.

These new v5 plug-ins cover the essential aspects of sound design,
tracking, mixing and mastering. They are available in various bundle
configurations and individually, so you can choose the combination that
best suits your audio needs.

Power Suite consists of the following plug-ins:

TrackPlug 5 – The ultimate channel strip plug-in

MasterVerb 5 – Silky smooth multi-algorithm reverb

FinalPlug 5 – Professional peak limiter and volume maximizer

MultiDynamics 5 – Powerful multi-band dynamics control

Panorama 5 – Go beyond the limitations of conventional stereo, without
using a surround system!

Changes in v5.49

fixed problem with TrackPlug menus sometimes not working

fixed TrackPlug Height knob not reverting to default value properly on
certain bands

fixed occasional graphics glitch in MultiDynamics in which hi/lo arrows
appear above frequency display

fixed RTAS/AudioSuite window bugs (wrong offset, controls behaving
strangely if RTAS/AS window open at same time)

fixed issue with vintage RMS compression causing constant attenuation for
thresholds below -48 dB

added peak input/attenuation level displays in TrackPlug


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

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