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AnyBody Modeling System v4.0.2

Release: AnyBody Modeling System v4.0.2

AnyBody Modeling System v4.0.2

The AnyBody Modeling System is a software system for simulating the mechanics of the live human body working in concert with its environment.

The environment is defined in terms of external forces and boundary conditions, and the user may impose any kind of posture or motion for the human body - either from scratch or from a set recorded motion data. AnyBody then runs a simulation and calculates the mechanical properties for the body-environment system.

From AnyBody the user can obtain results on individual muscle forces, joint forces and moments, metabolism, elastic energy in tendons, antagonistic muscle actions and much more.

AnyBody can also scale the models to fit to any population from anthropometric data or to any individual. Or, you can parameterize your studies in AnyBody to match product design trade-offs, finding the optimum combination of parameters to fulfill a given purpose.


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

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