Audjoo Helix VSTi v2009-07-02

Release: Audjoo Helix VSTi v2009-07-02

- Datum: 24.07.2009
Helix is the new Black
Helix is a Wave-Table-Shaping, Phase modulation, Virtual Analog, Physical Modelling Hybrid Synthesizer. Unusually high sound quality, massive modulation, creative audio-routing and many built-in effects all make Helix a synth easy to like.
4 bandlimited unison wave-morphing-oscillators in full stereo, each of which can generate 16 voices per note.
Each Oscillator have additional modes: Noise, PWM, dual-saw, string-model and rompler
3 stereo filters per note. Selectable lowpass, bandpass, highpass, lowshelf, peaking, highshelf.
3 stereo distortion stages per note. 10 different distortion-modes including bitcrushing and sample rate reduction.
24 Notes of polyphony, which adds up to a total of 1536 simultaneous oscillator voices and 72 filters in realtime.
8 ADSR envelope generators per note.
4 Low Frequency Oscillators per note (plus 2 global) with 18 different waveforms.
36 Modulation slots with 57 different selectable modulation parameters each.
Easy to use built-in master effects section consisting of 7 hi-quality sound effects: distortion, phaser, chorus, equalizer, delay, reverb and parallel-limiter.
Stereo chorus, adjustable delay time, depth, rate and feedback for flanging effects.
Global distortion stage in full stereo, with oversampling to minimize aliasing artifacts.
Equalizer with low-shelf, peaking and high-shelfing controls.
Stereo phaser with stage count selectable between 4 and 12, an embedded LFO, feedback and frequency spread adjustment.
Delay module with low- and high-pass filters, 5 different "pingpong" settings
Smooth reverb with adjustable pre-delay, pre-eq, damping
Stereo parallel limiter with attack, release, threshold.
3 Modes of portamento sliding, slide speed can depend on velocity.
1000+ presets.
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