RSIGuard Stretch Edition v4.0.22c

Release: RSIGuard Stretch Edition v4.0.22c

- Datum: 23.07.2009
RSIGuard is an integrated approach to preventing and managing repetitive strain injury (RSI).
Its purpose is to:
-to reduce repetitive computer activity
-to assist you in developing healthy patterns of computer use
-to help you understand your current patterns.
RSIGuard v4.0 offers:
-Rest break reminders that are timed based on how hard you actually work at the computer, and designed to be as unintrusive as possible
-Video stretches shown during rest breaks
-Microbreaks give you time to briefly relax, regain awareness of your posture and work patterns, and maintain awareness of how your body feels
-Ergonomic reminder messages keep you aware of how you are working at the computer
-Tracking & reporting of key work statistics helps you understand how you use your computer
-Online health status reporting helps you track the connection between work patterns and discomfort
-Online ergonomic training teaches you the basics of healthy computing
- Hotkeys & keyboard remapping reduce keyboard strain by reducing how many keys you press and relocating hard-to-press keys
-Automatic clicking eliminates strain associated with mouse clicking, works much better than alternative pointing devices or switching to your other hand
-Dynamic work restrictions help you follow a doctor-prescribed reduction in your exposure to computer strain
-Highly customizable features with an easy-to-use setup-wizard and intelligent default settings
-Flexible multi-user and network support lets you easily move from computer to computer, install on servers, intranets, etc.
-Administrative-control functions for enterprise users
-Upgrade path to Remedy Interactive Office Ergonomics Suite
-Easy to use
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