ConcreteFX Kubik VSTi v2.16

Release: ConcreteFX Kubik VSTi v2.16

- Datum: 26.02.2005
Kubik is our powerful wavetable sequencer synthesizer, which can create a vast array of sophisticated moving sounds by changing the waveforms played by the synthesizer over time, similar to those from the Waldorf MicroWave and PPG.
Kubik Technical Specifications
64 Wave Wavetable
Two Wavetable Oscillators with secondary unison oscillator
Nine Types of Oscillator Combinations - Add, Sub, Mix, Ring, FM, Sync, Waveshaper, S&H, PWM
Two Filters - that can be used independently, serially, in parallel or sequentially
Twelve Filter Types - 12db LP, BP, BR, HP, 24db LP, BP, BR, HP, Ring, Formant, Comb, Tuned Noise
Pre-filter distortion on 12db and 24db filters
Eight 32 Step Envelopes with variable slope and looping and release sections
Eight Multi-wave LFO
Four General Purpose Modulator LFO/controllers , all the controls can be controlled by keyboard events such as pitch bend , modulation wheel , note pitch/velocity and other controllers
Complete modulation matrix so you can control all properties using envelopes , LFO's , step sequences and keysplits plus keyboard and midi controls
Waveform editor
64 Partial Additive Waveform editor
over 100 Wavetable Presets
Load single cycle Wave from .WAV or .RAW
Different Types of Wavetable sample resynthesis
Wavetable editing tools including Wavetable mixing, Morph, Interpolate, Morph Fill, Interpolat & Fill
Wave editing tools including Normalize, Smooth, Reverse, Inverse, Size
Additive tools to apply to waves including Volume, Phase, Shift, Low Filter, High Filter,Phase Distortion, Ring Mod, FM, Distortion
Hundreds of Wave Presets
Two 64 Step Sequencer, with controls pitch, duration, waveforms, volume, pan, filter cutoff, mix and slide , which can be viewed in tracker or graph mode
Full midi control of all the Kubik's parameters
Kubik works in poly/mono/latched/legato and arp mode and has powerful portmento capabilities.
Two multi-effects with chorus, phaser, wahwah, distortion, lowfi, cross delay , stereo delay , timed delay, comb filter and reverb
2 band eq , compressor stereo widener effects
Kubik has is fully skinnable , several skins come with Kubik , here are some screenshots , screen1 and screen2
Over 500 presets from TC Conrardy, EJ Robinson, Totc and Steve Bates, Rsmus and Pix.
Full pdf manual which includes tutorials about how to use Kubik
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