Sonic Flavours DQ7 VST v1.0

Release: Sonic Flavours DQ7 VST v1.0

- Datum: 19.05.2006
- 2x7 high precision digital filters
- Stereo and dual mono modes
- Large and detailed interactive graphical display
- Built for recording, mastering, mixing, restoration and audio post productions
- Extremely CPU friendly
- -96db to +24db input and output gains
- Fully VST-compatible for Windows (now) and MacOS X (later this year)
The idea behind the DQ7 Equalizer is to provide a set of great sounding high-precision digital filters along with a large realistic display and a direct manipulation interface. The result is a multi-functional VST equalizer that can handle anything you would expect an equalizer to do for you. Besides great sound and broad functionality, the DQ7's interface and graphical display offer intuitive tools to create your own signature workflow. We find it's simply suitable for every equalizing job!
The DQ7 is great for recording: With just one click the DQ7 will jump from stereo to mono mode or even to dual mono. The interface is designed to let you work intuitively fast while staying accurately precise. The large display will give you a convenient overview of your EQ settings while you are pre occupied with laying down tracks and coaching the performer(s).
The DQ7 is great for mixing: Apart from a great sound, what would be the next thing you would expect your ideal equalizer to be? CPU-friendly? How many tracks will be involved? Would you like to treat your FX with a DQ7 too? An extra EQ for your master output? The DQ7 sounds wonderfully warm and clear and still it's extremely CPU friendly. The demo will show you how many DQ7's your CPU can handle.
The DQ7 is great for mastering: All has been said about the sound quality. From our download section you can download the DQ7's manual which will tell you about all specifications of the DQ7's high pass and low pass filters, its 2 shelf filters and its 3 peak-EQ filters. The manual will also tell you about the fact that even at extreme settings, there will be no internal clipping in our DQ7. Besides this you will notice that common digital filter problems such as modulation instability and unexpected phase-distortion have been fully eliminated which results in highly transparent audio response characteristics.
The DQ7 is great for everything else: While performing a sound restoration job you don't only want an equalizer to be extremely versatile but the equalizer should also stay precise at extreme values like +24db or -96db. You would want to set the Q-factor and/or shelf slopes with great and intuitive ease. The DQ7 is great at this!
As an additional feature, the DQ7 display, and the component groups building the image, may be brightness-adjusted to your personal taste.
The DQ7 has a great and simple to operate preset manager containing 128 preset slots and 8 favorites slots. We have included a set factory presets. Default presets for an equalizer seem a bit silly considering that equalizers are always tuned for use in specific situations. However, we feel the presets might be handy to have something to start with while discovering the DQ7. For less experienced users, they also have educational value in showing some typical EQ applications.
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