Winamp Pro v5.551 Build 2419

Release: Winamp Pro v5.551 Build 2419

- Datum: 02.04.2009
Nullsoft Winamp is a fast, flexible, high-fidelity media player for Windows. Winamp supports playback of many audio (MP3, OGG, AAC, WAV, MOD, XM, S3M, IT, MIDI, etc) and video types (AVI, ASF, MPEG, NSV), custom appearances called skins (supporting both classic Winamp 1.x/2.x skins and Winamp 3 freeform skins), audio visualization and audio effect plug-ins (including two industry dominating visualization plug-ins), an advanced media library, Internet radio and TV support, CD ripping, and CD burning.
• The Full version plays MP3s, AAC, WMA, and more; Compatible with Winamp 2 Plug-ins; Full Support for classic and modern skins; Plays Videos; has a Powerful Media Library; Browse Internet Radio & TV Stations; Integrated Internet Music Videos & Songs; Bundled Visualizations; and Burn & Rip CDs.
• The LITE version plays MP3s, AAC, WMA, and more. It is compatible with Winamp 2 Plug-ins and has full support for classic skins.
Winamp Highlights:
* New portable device features - transcoding, new sync options, USB thumbdrive player support, video sync, direct-from-device playback
* Faster ripping
* Improved AAC and aacPlus encoding
* Unicode metadata, filename, and title support
* iTunes-compatible gapless playback (MP3/M4A) and encoding (M4A)
* Optional 24bit playback
* ReplayGain support
Winamp Player Features:
- Plays Music and Video Files (aacPlus, MP3, AAC, WMA and more!)
- Compatible with Winamp 2 Plug-ins
- Full Support for Classic and Modern Skins
- Plays Videos (NSV, WMV, and more!)
- Powerful Media Library
- Browse SHOUTcast Radio & TV Stations
- Browse Winamp Music Videos & Songs
- Integrated AOL Video Content (News, Sports, Movies & more)
- AOL Radio Featuring XM
- SHOUTcast Wire (podcast directory)
- Predixis MusicMagic (dynamic playlisting)
- Bundled Visualizations
- Burn CDs (Limited to 2x - 48x in Pro!)
- Rips CDs (Limited to 8x aacPlus, AAC, WMA - Unlimited aacPlus, AAC, WMA and MP3 in Pro!)
- 50 free mp3s from Emusic
- Includes Winner of the Internet
- Surround Music Project!
- Includes an MP3 of 'Mercy Me' by Alkaline Trio
- Rip/Encode music into aacPlus, AAC, WMA, or MP3!
- Burn CDs up to 48x!
Changes in Winamp 5.55:
* New: Turkish, Portuguese & Romanian installer translations and language packs
* New: WBM system for lazy-loading of *.w5s files
* New: [Bento skin] Playlist tab (optional)
* New: [ml_impex] iTunes-compatible Media Library database import/export plugin
* Improved: [gen_ff] Faster & no flicker when loading/switching skins
* Improved: [gen_jumpex] New 'Add to Library' shell menu item & other tweaks
* Improved: [gen_ml] Optional alternating row colors for list views
* Improved: [gen_ml] Optional skinned menus
* Improved: [in_mod] Experimental ExtendedRead support (transcoding, burning, etc)
* Improved: [in_mod] Now uses global Playback config for thread priority
* Improved: [in_mp3] APEv2 tag editing/creating tweaks
* Improved: [ml_local] Media Library searches now ignore diacritics
* Improved: [ml_local] New 'Category' and 'Lossless' database fields
* Improved: [ml_online] New toolbar and various other tweaks & optimizations
* Improved: [ml_online] Support for 3rd-party Services
* Improved: [vis_milk2] Pixel Shader 2.0 & 3.0 support tweaks
* Improved: [vis_nsfs] Unicode title display for currently playing track
* Fixed: Accessibility fixup for Format Info string in Alt+3 dialog
* Fixed: New version check can't be disabled when anon statistics is enabled
* Fixed: Rare crash when closing vis window
* Fixed: Small memory leaks in in_wm, gen_dropbox, ml_local, ml_pmp and tagz.w5s
* Fixed: Various issues when starting/stopping/switching vis plugins
* Fixed: [gen_jumpex] Shell Options, B Hotkey, Send To menus & other misc bugs
* Fixed: [gen_ml] Library button resize glitch
* Fixed: [in_cdda] Potential cddb Disc null pointer crash
* Fixed: [in_mp4] Empty genre metadata field (eg. when transcoding from flac to m4a)
* Fixed: [in_mp4] Long hangs on slow network drives
* Fixed: izensfile befindet sich im Ordner AST: Arnold Schwarzenegger, F. Murray Abraham, Austin O'Brien, Art Carney, Charles Dance, Frank McRae, Tom Noonan, Robert Prosky, Anthony Quinn, Mercedes Ruehl, Ian McKellen, Professor Toru Tanaka, Joan Plowright, Jason Kelly, Noah Emmerich.
VIDEO: Widescreen 2.35:1 anamorphic
AUDIO: ENGLISH Dolby Digital 5.1 / ITALIAN Dolby Digital 2.0 / SPANISH Dolby Digital 2.0 / FRENCH Dolby Digital 2.0 / GERMAN Dolby Digital 2.0
Code: Select all
COPY 1:1 - DvdFull Anmerkung: Der Film ist aufgrund der Länge (wie das Original) auf 2 DVDs verteilt. DVD2 beinhaltet also kein optionales Bonusmaterial, sondern die 2te Hälfte des Films!
Aufgrund der Nachfrage von Euch hier nun der Film als
Untouched DVD9 Release. najbardziej klasycznych z tych klasycznych.
Sam Jamie Lewis jak i jego dziecko Purple Music wielokrotnie byli nominowani do UK House Music Awards w kategoriach „Producent roku“ , „Najlepszy utwór WMC“ , „Najlepsza wytwórnia“ , „DJ roku“. Miedzy innymi z tego powodu Purple Music jest uznawana za jedna z najbardziej prestizowych wytwórni na swiecie.
Na stale wspólpracuje z takimi artystami jak Cerrone, Etienne de Crecy, Michelle Weeks, Billy Ray Martin, Bob Sinclar, Michael Watford czy Jocelyn Brown. Jest jednym z nielicznych , który mial okazje grac na prywatnych imprezach MADONNY.
Jest autorem niezliczonej ilosci klasyków, wsród których sa takie tytuly jak „Unity“ , „The Light“ i „Be Thankfull“ feat. Michelle Weeks, „It’s Over“ feat. Michael Watford, „You Are The One“ i „Hooked On You“ feat. Cerrone oraz „Impress Me“ i „So Sexy“ feat. Kim Cooper.
Jamie Lewis jest takze bardzo utalentowanym remixerem. Regularnie wspólpracuje z takimi wytwórniami jak Defected, Yellow, MN2S, Soulfuric czy Milk n Sugar. Jest autorem 26 kompilacji i albumów, które na przestrzeni ostatnich lat stworzyl dla Purple Music, Defected, Radio FG czy klubu Cavo Paradiso. gin with Chris Lake follows up his epic “Changes” with the equally huge “If You Knew,”
A track t
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