Speedsoft Virtual Sampler VSTi DXi v3.5.2
Release: Speedsoft Virtual Sampler VSTi DXi v3.5.2
- Datum: 07.03.2005
VSampler transforms your Windows-PC into a 255-voice software sampler, turning any recorded noise into a musical instrument. VSampler provides all of the classical sampler features in excellent sound quality, and also offers you a multitude of new opportunities. In cooperation with the users of its award-winning predecessor an intelligent softwaresampler has been created, which beneath a truly transparent surface combines extensive editing abilities with simplest handling. Drag&drop and context menus allow quick access to all functions and provide for a smooth workflow. VSampler can operate either as a plugin (VSTi or Dxi) in your sequencer, or it can run as standalone version, connecting via Rewire or MIDI. The included virtual MIDI-cable also connects VSampler with classical MIDI sequencers.
VSampler loads instruments in the industry standard sampler formats AKAI (S1000/3000 CD and S5000/6000 .AKP), SoundFont (.SF2), HALion (.FXB, .FXP), Gigastudio (.GIG) as well as LM4 drumkits and samples (.WAV, .AIF). The unique instrument preview allows you to test different sounds with a single mouse-click on-the-fly during playback. Owners of an SB Live!™ or Audigy soundcard will be pleased that VSampler is able to save files in SF2 format as an option.
VSampler's various tempo-synchronizable envelope types and LFO's, and its velocity sensitive filters ranging from subtle to aggressive are all inducive to sound editing. Instruments can be further refined using either the included effects (Reverb, Delay, Phaser, Distortion, EQ …) or any VST-plugin. The animation of all effect-, envelope- and filter-parameters in a mutual modulation matrix, creates instruments with extraordinary dynamics and impressive, realistic playability. The included presets for effects, envelopes and modulation will get you off to a good start.
Whether quick playback module for everyday use or creative tool with synthesizer qualities - VSampler fuses both in a versatile instrument.
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