Veritas Storage Exec v5.3

Release: Veritas Storage Exec v5.3

- Datum: 04.02.2005
Many organizations struggle to accommodate the ever-increasing demands for storage by increasing capacity. However, this approach is only a temporary solution that does not address the real issue - valuable storage resources wasted on inappropriate, non-business files. VERITAS Storage ExecTM helps organizations maximize storage resources and reduce backup windows by providing automated storage management. Storage Exec provides real-time storage quotas for individual users, blocks non-business files such as MP3s and viruses from company servers and provides extensive, detailed storage reports. It reduces administration through email notification that lets users clean up their own files. Storage Exec also reduces legal exposure by helping ensure that illegal, copyrighted information does not end up on business servers.
- Real-time quotas
- File blocking and content checking
- Extensive reporting
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