FastReport Studio Site v3.20

Release: FastReport Studio Site v3.20

- Datum: 31.12.2005
FastReport Studio is an powerful, compact and flexible environment for giving your application the ability to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport Studio provides all the tools you need to develop reports. It includes report engine, report designer, preview, dialog window designer, and four macro interpreters - Basic (VB) style, C++ style, JS style and Pascal style.
The package contains the FastReport COM-server, standalone designer and source code examples for Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft Visual C# .NET, Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Microsoft ASP.NET, Microsoft FoxPro.
Set of the product pack:
* COM server;
* Designer;
* Configuration utility;
* Scheduler service;
* Demo reports;
* Demo database;
* Documentation pack;
* Sources of the demo examples for following development environments: Microsoft Visual C++; Microsoft Visual C# .NET Microsoft Visual Basic .NET; Microsoft Visual FoxPro; Microsoft Access; Microsoft Excel.
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