Total Commander Ultima Prime 4.4

Release: Total Commander Ultima Prime 4.4

- Datum: 11.11.2008
This is an extended version of Total Commander 7 Copyright (c) 1993-2007
by Christian Ghisler. Total Commander Ultima Prime is a special distribution of
Christian Ghisler’s Total Commander with many useful third-party add-ons,
plug-ins and customisations. It also contains extended main menu and toolbar,
other programs, changed layout and other elements.
The newest version brings another installer’s code changes. Since now it is
possible to start TC UP with operating system. Because of false alerts
provided by antivirus applications, TC UP is installed with safe mode,
without any suspicious files. To install whole project’s content users
should choose “full installation” mode.
The project has gained WinContig application for deframenting files purpose.
Advanced users should be satisfy with excellent log viewer called Tail for Win32.
The way of providing additional informations in customized columns has been corrected.
Changes in Version 4.4 (2008 10 31):
- Added movies subtitles editor “Subtitle Workshop” - special thanks to URUWorks
for agreement to include his application into project.
- Added the possibility to remove unwanted language and configuration files
during TC UP installation procedure (lowers disk space usage).
- “AIMP” has been updated to the newest version (2.50 Build 312).
- “Opera@USB” has been updated to the newest version (9.61).
- “Sumatra PDF” has been updated to the newest version (0.9.3).
- “The KMPlayer” has been updated to the newest version (
- “Universal Extractor” has been updated to the newest version (1.6).
- “uTorrent” has been updated to the newest version (1.8.1 Beta 12639).
- “XnView” has been updated to the newest version (1.95.2).
- Added Romanian language version – thanks to the Ioan Florea.
- Added Chinese Swedish version – thanks to the Fredrik Larsson.
- Various plugins have been updated.
- Known bugs has been corrected.
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